Paul Andruszko Promoted to General Manager of Gear Motions Niagara
Gear Motions, a leading precision gear manufacturer, has promoted Paul Andruszko to general manager of its Niagara Gear division. The division has also earned an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001-2008 Registration.
“The goal of our company has always been to be one of the best precision gear manufacturers,” said Bob Barden, former vice president and general manager of Gear Motions Niagara Gear division. “My efforts over the last 35 years have been geared toward maintaining that goal. “Paul Andruszko has the talent to drive the company forward. We worked together closely for 26 years, and I’m confident that he will take the company to the next level.”
“Over the past few years, Bob Barden and I have been working closely together so that the transition of leadership would be as smooth and seamless as possible,” Andruszko said. “I have the knowledge, experience and passion to move this company in a direction that will allow it to reach its fullest potential. My vision for this company is to not only maintain but greatly improve upon the level of growth and success we have experienced in the past. Additionally, the ISO registration will help open doors to new potential customers domestic and abroad.”
Niagara Gear’s ISO registration demonstrates Gear Motions’ commitment to delivering products that meet world-class specifications for quality, safety and efficiency. It ensures that all processes are repeatable and predictable and lets existing as well as potential customers know that Gear Motions will provide a consistent, high-quality product at a competitive price.
“We are very proud to accomplish something not all manufacturers are able to do. For us to do it in less than nine months demonstrates the hard work, dedication and commitment of each employee,” said Andruszko. “This certification validates our Quality Management System and procedures, and ensures that every person within the organization is performing his or her role consistently every day.”
All of the company’s divisions are now ISO-registered.