
June 30, 2014

Inspection Metrology Industry News

Pentagear Products Acquires PECo ND Gear Metrology Division

Pentagear Products LLC, an Ohio-based company, has acquired Process Equipment Company (PECo) ND Gear Metrology Division effective June 27, 2014. Pentagear Products LLC, established in 2005 has developed gear functional gaging products for the gear industry. PECo's gear metrology division offers a full line of gear measurement products and services. "We are excited about the future with the ND Gear Analytical machines as well as the functional products. This move strengthens the focus of our business in the gear industry," says Marvin Nicholson, owner of Pentagear Products. "Nothing changes in respect to service, support and new product development. We are still building new machines, repowering our competitors machines and offering new functional gages including DOB and double flank inspection systems."
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