
April 15, 2006

Heat Treating Industry News

Personnel Changes Announced at Solar Atmospheres

Solar Atmospheres announced a number of personnel changes and promotions within the organization.

Don Jordan accepted a new position as vice president of corporate technology. His new responsibilities include all corporate technology and development and oversight of the R&D team. Current projects include new vacuum carburizing applications and gas nitriding. Jordan was previously Solar's vice president of heat treating and corporate metallurgist.

Jamie Jones was promoted to plant manager at Solar's Souderton plant. Jones now overseees daily operations of two heat treating facilities in Souderton and is responsible for matching the processing jobs with 16 vacuum furnaces on a 24/7 schedule. He has been with the company for twelve years with plant experience in the brazing department and as a sales engineer.

With the move of Jones from the sales team, the company hired Marc Ziegler as inside sales engineer. He has been with the company for six years, most recently as shift group leader of heat treating.

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