Powder Metallurgy Market Expected to Approach 30 Billion by 2012
According to a recent study by Materials Technology Publications, the powder metallurgy market should approach $30 billion by 2012, growing from $23 billion in 2007 at an average growth rate near 5%. The market study entitled, “The Powder Metallurgy Industry Worldwide 2007–2012,” features 450 pages with more than 100 tables of statistical data.
In the report, statistical data finds that the North American and European markets will lose shares to China, India and other Asian countries over this period. The North American powder metallurgy parts business, worth $5 billion in 2007, will grow to only $5.5 billion in 2012. The $9.5 billion European market is expected to reach $11.6 billion in 2012. In contrast, the Asian market, estimated at $7.62 billion in 2007, is expected to increase to $12.6 billion in 2012.
As the PM markets mature in North America, Western Europe and Japan, the industry will look to expand into other geographic regions in China, India and Eastern Europe. The Powder Metallurgy Industry Worldwide 2007–2012 is available as a printed version or an electronic version on CD. The cost of the report is $2,600.