
August 4, 2021

Industry News

PowderMet2022 Issues Call for Papers

The program committee for PowderMet2022: International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, to be held June 12–15, 2022, in Portland, Oregon, at the Portland Convention Center, has issued a “Call for Papers & Posters” covering the latest developments in powder metallurgy(PM) materials, processes, and applications.

Technical program co-chairmen Paul Hauck, SSI Sintered Specialties and Tim McCabe, OptiMIM, request abstracts covering any aspect of PM and particulate materials technology.

Suggested topics include: PM design, particulate production, powder injection molding, sintering, materials, applications and more.

“The annual PowderMet conference is the powder metallurgy (PM) industry’s strategic networking event, bringing delegates face-to-face, exposing the latest research and development, celebrating industry achievements, and more,” stated James P. Adams, executive director/CEO, Metal Powder Industries Federation. “North America’s largest exhibit, a collection of leading suppliers and service providers for PM, particulate materials, and metal additive manufacturing applications, will provide the cutting-edge
advancements in the industry.”

The abstract submission deadline is November 5, 2021. Visit the website below for details.
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