
October 15, 2012

Product News Industry News

QUADROK Delivers Optimal Holding Power

In addition to the flexible QUADROK plus from Hainbuch, now there is a 'slimmed-down' variant that concentrates completely on the essentials. The new QUADROK is a manually activated parallel vise with a compensating 4-sided clamping and a radial clamping force of 60 kN. Thanks to its pull-back effect against the end stop, extremely rigid clampings at minimum clamping lengths are possible - with a repeatability of < 0.02 mm in all axes. This does not only guarantee optimal holding power for cross machining between the jaws, but also for 5 sided machining. The new QUADROK can be used at speeds up to 1,200 rpm, even under rotation. When a little more is required and diverse clamping possibilities are demanded, with the more flexible QUADROK plus, a mandrel or chuck clamping are also available thanks to a quick change-over interface.
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