
January 16, 2008

Industry News

Romax Provides Ford with Analysis Software

The NVH and bearing analysis software from Romax Technology, Inc. has been designated as the principal engineering tool for predictive analysis of automatic transmission gear whine at Ford Motor Company.   

“The Romax analysis system software will provide Ford with a significant reduction of CAE (computer-aided-engineering) processing time,” says Dr. Takeshi Abe, Ford technical fellow, NVH (noise vibration harshness).    

According to the company’s press release, the software has been integrated into Ford’s transmission design and development process after extensive correlation and validation work between Romax and Ford's transmission NVH engineering team. The specific software for Ford offers integrated systems for NVH and bearing analysis through software tools, training and engineering services.   

“The Romax tools allow us to transform the transmission NVH process from a test-based hardware iterative approach to a process focused on up-front design optimization. This new process not only provides cost savings by decreasing repetitive hardware testing, but most importantly, the software makes it possible to design quiet transmissions more accurately than ever before,” says Takeshi.   

Mario Felice, technical leader, powertrain NVH CAE, at Ford, adds, “Designing a nominal gear train that meets customer targets is just not enough anymore. Based on the technical collaboration between Romax and Ford, statistical modules have been created that allow us to factor in the manufacturing variability and initial design tolerances as part of the upfront gear whine evaluation process. This provides invaluable insight into the robustness of the gear train design early in the development process."

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