
May 1, 2006

Product News Industry News

Royal Purple Develops High Performance Worm Gear Oils

Royal Purple developed a para-synthetic Synergy Worm Gear Oil and a fully synthetic Thermyl-Glyde Worm Gear Oil. Both contain slippery, synthetic molecules plus the company’s Dynaglyde additive technology to provide improved lubricity and oiliness properties necessary for lubricating both cylindrical and double-enveloping worm gears. According to the company’s press release, both oils utilize a dense, high molecular weight, synthetic cushioning additive that protects against fatigue failure from sudden shock loads. Their oxidation stability and water separating properties extend oil drain intervals and prevent a sludge formation in wet gearboxes. Thermyl-Glyde gear oil is recommended where heavy loads, shock loads, low operating speeds and/or high operating temperatures are encountered The worm gear oils are non-corrosive to ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Both grades are available in ISO grades 460, 680 and 1,000.
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