
March 30, 2011

Product News Industry News

Rustlick Releases Ultracut Pro

Rustlick recently announced the release of a new premium, bioresistant water-soluble oil cutting fluid. Ultracut Pro delivers reliable performance in a wide range of machining and grinding applications. R&D Chemist, Steve Badger II, explains, "Ultracut Pro uses the very latest lubrication and antimicrobial technologies for a coolant that is high-performance, long-lasting and extremely hard water stable." The dependable performance of Ultracut Pro makes it a first choice for manufacturers working for industries as diverse as aerospace, automotive, agriculture, energy, industrial components, job shops, plastics and transportation.

Ultracut Pro delivers proven resistance to microbials, like bacteria and fungus, and is shown to last longer than competitive coolants without the need for costly additives. In independent lab studies, Ultracut Pro lasted longer and outperformed top competitors in bacterial and fungal resistance. This hard water stable formula is effective in a wide range of light, moderate and heavy-duty applications, including machining, cutting, grinding, milling, broaching, threading and turning.

"Ultracut Pro's tight emulsion guarantees consistent, dependable lubrication and cooling for great tool life and surface finish with less carryoff," states Badger. Ultracut Pro contains no boron, phenol, nitrites, triazines, sulfur, copper or SARA 313 reportable chemistry and is easy to recycle or dispose of with conventional techniques and equipment. Ultracut Pro is available in five or 55 gallon containers and is recommended for ferrous and nonferrous metals, aluminum, brass, bronze and copper. The nonchlorinated version, Ultracut Pro CF, is recommended for all metals, including titanium and high nickel alloys.

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