
March 13, 2017

Manufacturing Processes Milling Product News Industry News

Sandvik Coromant Silent Tools Milling Adapters Designed to Improve Damping Characteristics

The latest Silent Tools milling adapters from cutting tool and tooling systems specialist Sandvik Coromant are designed to offer improved damping characteristics. The advanced adapters were developed in direct response to the need for greater metal removal rates and reduced vibration wherever long, slender milling tools are deployed.

The upgraded Silent Tools milling adapters offer production engineers an effective way of enhancing productivity, process security, and surface finish in vibration-prone, long overhang operations. Benefits, including significant reduction of chatter and vibration, make Silent Tools a good choice for machine shops looking to optimize the performance of their long milling cutter assemblies. 

"Inside the adapters is a pre-tuned passive damper-a counteracting mass that acts as a shock absorber," explains Pål A. Sollie, product and application specialist at Sandvik Coromant. "The damper improves the dynamic behavior of the tool assembly to a level where there is room to achieve the best milling tool quality and unbeaten metal removal rates for a variety of milling applications with slender tools, whether it is face milling (even at high feed), deep shoulder and side milling, pocketing, slot milling, profiling, circular ramping, or helical interpolation."

The tools also offer undersized shanks that, where required, allow side clearance between the adapter and workpiece. This permits the use of a nominal diameter cutter-rather than an oversized cutter, which is advantageous because a lower mass cutter is more productive than a larger version on a long, slender assembly. This flexibility removes the need to compromise component designs and productivity when the use of slender milling tool assemblies is required.

Suitable for all ISO material groups, the new Silent Tools milling adapters can be deployed on tool assemblies with usable lengths from 4 x cutter diameter. They are available with Coromant Capto and HSK-A/C as machine side interfaces.

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