
June 27, 2007

Industry News

Seco Tools Announces Component Engineered Tooling Partnership

Seco Tools Inc. announces Component Engineered Tooling (CET), the newest offering from its Seco Business Solutions service provisions made available to Seco customers to improv profitability. CET is geared toward minimizing machining time and production costs by involving the Seco team early in the process, from component design through full floor production.

"We look at the entire picture - the component material, the machining methods, the machine tool, the cutting tool, inventory," says Julian Adams, techical marketing services manager,"and help bridge the gap that often can occur when organizations aren't able to keep pace with the rapid development of machine tool technologies or tooling applications. We pull together the pieces of the puzzle to manufacture the highest quality part in the most cost-effective manner."

To help customers achieve the optimal machining solutions, the CET program involves a number of services including:
*Methodology and technology evaluation (including simulation) of current and potential tools and processes;
*Functional testing in Seco labs early in the lifecycle to reduce risk on the plant floor;
*Collaboration with the machine tool builder,
*Tool management and technical support
*On-site installation and delivery of complete tooling package including run-off tests, production training and documentation.

With simulation as a key part of the CET offering, advanced CNC modeling and other virtual tools can remove the risk from experimenting with "what if" scenarios.  Possible results can include  increased throughput or discovering that a different process, such as hard-turning versus grinding or thread milling versus tapping, is a more effective alternative. 


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