
October 6, 2021

Heat Treating Product News Industry News

Seco/Vacuum Offers Pit-LPC

Seco/Vacuum’s Pit-LPC is perfect for carburizing large or long elements and parts requiring thick case depths. Capable of temperatures up to 1900°F, Pit-LPC can reduce process duration and utility costs by 70%, while delivering 3X the yield of a traditional atmosphere Pit furnace in the equivalent space.

The Pit LPC is an advanced 21st century pit-type gas carburizing furnace for low pressure carburizing (LPC) of large parts or parts requiring deep case depths. As a modern alternative for atmosphere furnaces, the Pit LPC can reduce heat treating costs and improve production while improving the environment by operating in vacuum at higher temperatures than atmosphere furnaces can achieve. The Pit LPC also increases heat treater’s production throughput without purchasing additional equipment, since a single Pit-LPC furnace is equivalent to the capacity of three atmosphere furnaces, and it can be reconfigured to fit into the space of an existing atmosphere furnace. Additionally, a single vacuum furnace provides more capability since it can handle gas carburizing on larger and longer workpieces.

Pit LPC is a state-of-the-art pit-type furnace solution meeting the most stringent environmental standards, while increasing worker safety through elimination of flammable and explosive atmospheres. High homogeneity of process parameters has a direct effect on the thickness of the carbonized layer and, as a result, on the quality of the processed workpieces. Plus, the unit can be reconfigured to the client’s needs; SECO/VACUUM will adapt the Pit LPC furnace so that it can be installed in the old atmosphere furnace bay.

This LPC vacuum furnace is perfect for manufacturers carburizing large or long elements such as gears, bearings, drilling tools and other elements requiring thick case depths and it is a great furnace for companies who want to increase their production capacity without purchasing additional equipment (1 Pit LPC = 3 atmosphere furnaces), or save space by replacing three machines with one that fits into the same space as one.
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