
December 22, 2015

Product News Industry News

Seco Warwick Delivers CaseMaster Evolution

Ponar Wadowice S.A., a part of Ponar Silesia, recently signed a contract for the delivery of a Seco/Warwick CaseMaster Evolution (CME) low pressure carburizing (LPC) furnace, the first such furnace purchased by Ponar Wadowice.  “We are moving to a new stage of development in Ponar Wadowice and we are happy to implement this state of the art technology that offers a new quality as far as reliability, continuity of service, efficiency and quality of the final product is concerned,” says Rafal Worek, operation director of Ponar Wadowice. The new CaseMaster Evolution is a double chamber furnace with oil quenching system. It prevents intergranular oxidation through the process of low pressure carburizing in vacuum furnace. It’s equipped with FineCarb - low pressure carburizing technology and PreNitLPC – technology of intensive vacuum carburizing.


It is going to deliver much higher quality final products than atmospheric furnaces and decrease operating cost. There are a number of benefits in using this new Seco/Warwick furnace. It’s up to 40 percent more cost efficient, it’s safer for the environment, safer for workers, and provides an increase in production volume of 15 percent. “We are very happy to provide this sophisticated solution to a company from Poland where the roots of Seco/Warwick are. I believe that our technology will slowly change the competitiveness of Polish companies in the global market and locally improve environment and worker safety,” adds Paweł Wyrzykowski, president and CEO Seco/Warwick Group.



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