Seco/Warwick Installs HPQ in Brazil
Universal HPQ and Retort Tempering Furnace
Isoflama Ltda. has installed a 12 Bar Universal? High Pressure Quench Furnace with low pressure Vacuum Carburizing and a Retort Tempering Furnace for their commercial heat treat operation in Indaiatuba, SP, Brazil.
Each furnace features a 24" (600 mm) x 24" (600 mm) x 36" (900 mm) hot zone with a 1,200 pound (540 kg) hearth loading capacity. According to the company's press release, this unique system heats by convection and provides faster and more uniform heating. The system is fully automated, utilizing PLC/IPC control system featuring the FineCarb? control system that permits the operator to accurately pre-program the carburizing effective case depth (ECD) and carbon concentration on the surface.
The furnaces will be in service in July 2006.