
October 7, 2013

Heat Treating Product News Industry News

Seco-Warwick Receives CaseMaster Evolution Order

Seco/Warwick has received an order for a two CaseMaster Evolution vacuum carburizing furnace line that includes washer/tempering unit, loaders and line control system with single load tracking. The system is dedicated for the treatment of automotive steering system components. The contract was signed in August 2013 with ThyssenKrupp Presta de Mexico S.A. de CV, and Seco/Warwick will deliver the turn-key production cell in the second quarter of 2014.

The CaseMaster Evolution vacuum furnace is a three-chamber furnace with separate preheating, heating and oil quenching chambers. The furnace will be equipped with low pressure carburizing FineCarb technology and pre-nitriding PreNitLPC technology. The furnaces will work in the line with a control-integrated continuous combined washing and tempering line and will be equipped with a supervisory control system for the heat treatment process, which tracks and records the entire process for an individual load from input to output of parts. The complete line has been adapted for the specific requirements of the requested semi-continuous operation mode and the high automotive standards of ThyssenKrupp Presta Steering.

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