
December 1, 2010

Industry News

Sicmat Achieves ISO 14001 Certification

Sicmat S.p.A., an Italian company with 70 years of experience in the field of machine tools for the automotive industry, as well as precision mechanics, has achieved the environmental certification ISO 14001 from DNV (Det Norske Veritas), the certifying body of reference, for a production plant in Pianezza. The company has researched and followed actions finalized to keep under control environmental impacts of its own actions. The certified Sicmat plant which extends over 10.000 sqm, has been put under a environmental management system which involves all its collaborators and includes every production process step, since planning to testing. "With ISO 14001 environmental certification, we achieved an important goal," says Ettore Miletto Petrazzini, Sicmat CEO. "This shows Sicmat's determination to continuously improve."

Sicmat has shared this environmental policy with all its collaborators, through training courses, in order to make everyone an active protagonist of this process. "Inside the company, we acted to spread an environmental culture," adds Ettore Miletto. "Defining a way of operating to reduce energy resources and noisiness, waste sorting and all the activities strictly connected to production."

For example, during the machine testing phase, Sicmat has decided to use vegetables oils, with a very low environmental impact, and has substituted machines monitors. This attention doesn't stop on the production phase, but moves also to the end users: Sicmat is studying a machine model with a very high level of sustainability.

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