
July 29, 2021

Industry News

SMT Offers Knowledge Exchange Seminars: USA

SMT recently announced its Knowledge Exchange seminar events. Regardless of your speciality, SMT looks forward to visiting professionals from across the industry and sharing the latest research & development on a selection of the industry's hottest topics. With no cost to your business & no time-consuming travel to manage, this is a great way to keep your edge at the forefront of transmission technology. A free  three-month trial of the MASTA software will be made available to all who participate and even if you are an existing user, this gives you the chance to try other modules or train additional people. Topics include:

•Time Domain Durability
•NVH Operating Maps
•Gear Blank Tuning
•Planetary NVH & Sidebands
•Asymmetric Cylindrical Gears
•Efficiency Modelling & Optimization
•Use Scripting to Automate Design & Analysis Processes
•Cylindrical Gear Manufacturing
•Advanced Loaded Tooth Contact Analysis Method
•Bearing Analysis Method
•Cycloidal Drives Analysis
•Automation, Design Space Exploration & Optimization
•Transmission Performance Optimization

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