
June 10, 2016

Heat Treating Industry News

Solar Atmospheres and Solar Manufacturing Approach Finish Line for World's Largest Vacuum Furnace

Solar Atmospheres of Western Pennsylvania and Solar Manufacturing, Inc. have been building the largest vacuum furnace in the world and are counting down the days to its completion. The working hot zone of this high vacuum (three 35" Varian diffusion pumps) furnace is 80 inches in diameter by 48 feet in length with a maximum operating temperature of 2400 degrees Fahrenheit. 35 points of temperature will be surveyed to within +/- 10 degrees Fahrenheit per the stringent AMS 2750E specification. The robust dual load car design will have the capacity to transfer up to 150,000 pounds of material in and out of the furnace.  For dimensionally critical, near net shaped jobs, the dual load car design will also have the capability to maintain the critical support needed at elevated temperatures to keep parts flat to within .030-inches.

All of the major components have been delivered and installed. The gas and water systems are in place. The remaining installation of all the electrical components and wiring will occur over the next several weeks. This multi-million dollar project is expected to be completed in June with the commissioning of the furnace into production in July of 2016. This unique piece of equipment will not only open up new production opportunities within the North American vacuum heat treating markets, but also internationally.

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