
July 2, 2013

Heat Treating Industry News

Solar Atmospheres Awards Scholarship

Solar Atmospheres of Western Pennsylvania (SAWPA), in conjunction with the Metal Treating Institute (MTI) and Industrial Heating, has awarded an education scholarship to Sarah Luna of El Paso, Texas. Luna is majoring in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering and will soon begin her senior year at the University of Texas at El Paso.

The scholarship was part of the Master Craftsman Heat Treater of the Year award, won by SAWPA, through which an endowment of $1,500 is presented annually to a student in a metallurgy or materials science program. MTI president Tom Morrison states, "MTI feels it's imperative that the heat treating industry encourage and reward the next generation of engineers and metallurgists. Every industry is fighting to win the hearts of the younger generation and we love it when we can be involved in helping lead someone to an exciting career in heat treating."

Luna was selected by a Solar Atmospheres committee based on her academic record, honors, demonstrated leadership, participation in school and community activities, and work experience. President of SAWPA, Bob Hill, adds, “Sarah is a very intelligent woman who truly loves the material engineering career path that she has chosen. During her co-op at NASA, Sarah worked on corrosion issues with the space shuttle, analyzing orbital debris, and new materials that are cited for future deep space exploration.”

The award was presented by Hill and Industrial Heating associate editor Bill Mayer at Solar’s vacuum heat treating facility in Hermitage, PA. Mayer notes, “Industrial Heating is honored to donate the funds for this scholarship. We would like to thank Solar Atmospheres of Western PA for taking the time and effort to conduct a national search to find a worthy candidate, and we want to congratulate Sarah Luna and wish her the best of luck in her career.”

“The vacuum heat treating performed at Solar Atmospheres of Western PA is amazing. It was very interesting to learn about the unique processes for specific parts.  The furnaces were pretty incredible and I especially liked seeing range of products processed from the Boeing Dreamliner seat tracks to the tiny medical device parts. Thank you for everything,” Luna said.

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