Solar Atmospheres Extends Furnace Dimensions
Solar Atmospheres has extended the hot zone load dimensions in their largest commercial vacuum furnace from 60-inches-wide to 80 inches-wide. When faced with the possibility of processing catalyst retention screens that were 80-inch-wide, Solar needed to take advantage of the 84-inch-wide potential in the furnace. Working together with their sister company Solar Manufacturing, they were able to accomplish their goal by designing taller graphite load rails to fully support the 80-inch-wide load. “This new tooling gives us a significant opportunity to gain new customers while offering additional furnace capabilities to our existing customers” says Michael Johnson, Sales Manager for Solar Atmospheres of Western PA. “Due to the versatility and stability of our car bottom design, we have always realized an advantage over our competition, but now we can utilize the maximum width-capacity of the furnace safely and efficiently.”