Solar Atmospheres Southeast Receives Nadcap Accreditation
Solar Atmospheres Southeast recently received Nadcap (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) accreditation. A heat treat supplier with Nadcap accreditation is a supplier that has been proven to be able to effectively meet the most demanding customer requirements that exist in the aerospace industry.
“Our South Carolina plant just opened in June 2015 and we were extremely motivated to better serve our customers by becoming Nadcap accredited. In three months we have achieved a goal that typically takes double that amount of time,” said Solar Atmospheres Southeast President Steve Prout. “The quick turnaround in reaching this quality milestone is a testament not only of our corporate commitment, but also the expertise and dedication of our staff.
“Achieving Nadcap accreditation is not easy. It is one of the ways in which the aerospace industry identifies those who excel at manufacturing quality product through superior special processes. Companies such as Solar Atmospheres work hard to obtain this status and they should be justifiably proud of it,” said Joe Pinto, executive vice president and chief operating officer at the Performance Review Institute. “PRI is proud to support continual improvement in the aerospace industry by helping companies such as Solar Atmospheres be successful and we look forward to continuing to assist the industry moving forward.”