
April 3, 2013

Heat Treating Carburizing Industry News

Solar Receives Nadcap Approval for Carburizing

Solar Atmospheres recently received Nadcap approval for carburizing. The Souderton, PA plant can now better serve the aerospace market with this accreditation. The already stringent review of quality procedures and processes was even more challenging for Solar. The Nadcap audit checklist is based on conventional carburizing processes which are controlled by carbon potential, but Solar’s patented low pressure vacuum carburizing (LPVC) process works a bit differently. The most notable benefit of LPVC over traditional carburizing is the absence of intergranular oxidation (IGO). IGO-free parts eliminate the cost and time required for additional machining. In addition LPVC offers controllable, predictable and very uniform case depths as well as the ability to carburize in blind and very small diameter holes. Solar’s quality and technical departments collaborated extensively to successfully meet Nadcap requirements while navigating the differences between the two processes. Solar passed the audit without any findings and satisfactorily answered all questions.  This carburizing accreditation joins the Souderton plant’s other Nadcap approvals for heat treating and brazing. For more information or to request a quote, please contact Mike Moyer to discuss Solar Atmospheres capabilities at 1-800-347-3236 Ext. 1207.
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