
October 15, 2015

Heat Treating Industry News

Solar's Don Jordan Awarded the High Honor of ASM Fellow

Solar Atmospheres’ Corporate Metallurgist, Don Jordan, was recently awarded the high honor of ASM Fellow (FASM) at the ASM Awards Dinner held Oct. 6, 2015 during the MS&T15 Conference in Columbus, OH.

According to ASM, “The honor of Fellow represents recognition of distinguished contributions in the field of materials science and engineering, and develops a broadly based forum for technical and professional leaders to serve as advisors to the Society.”  

Don’s citation reads: “For sustained technical excellence in a career that includes development of wear and corrosion resistant materials for Navy submarines and outstanding leadership in the development and implementation of novel vacuum heat treatment technology for surface treatment of metals.” 

“Obviously I am honored, yet I am privileged to work with the Solar R&D Team; they make me look good,” Jordan said.

Jordan is a 27-year member of ASM International and has served in every executive position of the Philadelphia Liberty Bell Chapter, including 2002-03 Chairperson.  As evidence of Jordan’s service and commitment to the ASM Philadelphia Chapter, he has received: two President’s Awards (2004 & 2007); Adolph Schaeffer Special Achievement Award (2005); Philadelphia Chapter Distinguished Service Award (2008); Delaware Valley Materials Person of the Year Award (2010); Albert Sauveur Lecture Award (2013); and Meritorious Service Award (2014). Jordan also is a member of: NACE, SAE & the Aerospace Metals Engineering Committee (AMEC), and APMI.

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