Sterling Instruments New Precision Internal Gears Selectable by Inches or Millimeters
New precision internal gears from Sterling Instrument are available from stock in inch and metric sizes.
The 20? pressure angle inch gears, identified as the S1E62Z- Series, are offered in 303 stainless steel or 2024-T4 anodized aluminum. The metric gears, identified as the S1E05ZM, S1E08ZM and S1E10ZM Series, are supplied in 303 stainless steel.
The metric gears in Modules 0.5, 0.8, and 1 are ISO Class 7 and are stocked in 5, 8 and 10 mm face widths. They have from 60 to 120 teeth, and outside diameters ranging from 50?150 mm. The inch gears are stocked in 24, 32, 48, 64, 72 and 96 pitch.
According to the company's press release, the metric gears are AGMA Q10 with a 1/8" face width. They have from 20?300 teeth and outside diameters ranging from 1.998?3.998".