Publisher's Page

December 11, 2023

Randy Stott

The Gear Industry Publisher's Page

Streaming Now to a Device Near You

[sitting in front of the TV]

“What do you wanna watch tonight?”

[scroll, scroll, scroll]

“I don’t know. What’s on Netflix?”

[click, scroll, scroll]

“Nothing. We’re all caught up on all our shows.”

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This article appeared in the November/December 2023 issue.

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[scroll, scroll, scroll]

“How about Hulu?”

[click, scroll, scroll]

“Nope. Same”

[scroll, scroll, scroll]

“How about Amazon?”

[scroll, scroll, scroll]

“I don’t know what I want to watch…”

If this sounds like your household, have I got a solution for you: Gear Technology TV.

OK, maybe you won’t find any crime dramas or romantic comedies or dark sci-fi (because—see above—you’ve already watched all those). And, no, we don’t have a gear-related reality competition series (yet!) But we do have a lot of really cool videos about gear design, manufacturing, inspection, heat treating and more.


Gear Technology TV is the home for original gear-related content created by our editors in conjunction with a lot of really smart people in our industry whom we’ve had the pleasure to interview on camera or include in one of our discussion panels.

For years, we’ve been building our library of video content, and we’ve just added a bunch more.

The latest examples are the videos we recorded at MPT Expo in October, including our live expert discussion on “The Future of Gear Manufacturing” (featuring Joel Neidig of ITAMCO, John Perrotti of Gleason Corporation, Carlos Wink of Eaton Corporation and Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl of the Gear Research Centre (FZG) at the Technical University of Munich).

In fact, if you go to youtube.com/geartechnology, you’ll see that we have a whole playlist devoted to the various “Ask the Expert Live” sessions we’ve held over the years. You might also be interested in this year’s discussion on manufacturing EV Gears (featuring Pascal Diggelmann of Reishauer, Dr. Oliver Winkel of Liebherr and Dr. Hermann Stadtfeld of Gleason), or maybe past discussions on “Gear Design,” Cutting Tools” or many other topics from our panel discussions in past years.

In addition, you’ll see we have a playlist devoted to our many “Revolutions” interviews, where our editors sit down one-on-one with the technology experts in the field to learn about the latest innovations that can help you make better gears, faster, or at a lower cost.

If you didn’t make it to MPT Expo, this is a great way to catch up with some of the machine tools, workholding, cutting tools, grinding wheels, software and other technologies that were on display. Maybe you can learn about a new potential supplier or better understand how new technology might fit in your business.

In any case, there are many hours of significant educational content available on Gear Technology TV. I hope you’ll go and watch some of it.

In the meantime, we’ll keep working on those pilot episodes. I think “Undercover Gear Engineer” and “Gear Shop Makeover” could be huge hits!

