Third Wave Systems AdvantEdge 7.4 Improves Report Generation Feature
The next release for AdvantEdge focuses on improvements related to the reporting generation feature, data collection and additional enhancement as requested by our users. As more and more users have become accustomed to the report generation functionality, there have been requests for users to import their own photos and to create custom sections for a more complete report - these features have all been reflected in the latest 7.4 version of AdvantEdge.
Also included in the 7.4 release are improvements to data collection, including automated data averaging over user-specified lengths of cut for force and temperature time history results.
There will be a webinar going over AdvantEdge 7.4's new features running two days in December:
December 6, 2017 | 7:30-8:30am CST (including Q&A) | Register
December 7, 2017 | 10:00-11:00am CST (including Q&A) | Register
Third Wave Systems will also be in Cleveland in May 2018 for their International Users Conference, featuring some of our most popular speakers from the last few years that will give updates on their research and machining processes, including the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who will give an update on their presentation from 2017. Prof. Frank Pfefferkorn and Ph.D. student Sinan Kesriklioglu will present on the Instrumented Cutting Tool to Measure the Tool-Chip Interface Temperature.