Titanium Machining—Special Materials for Complete Machining
Heavy duty cutting places particular requirements on the machine and working processes. If this involves a material such as titanium, which is particularly hard to cut, specific know-how is necessary to deal with these requirements. Thanks to its expertise, WFL Millturn Technologies GmbH & Co. KG impresses in this field with a machining solution for aircraft landing gear.
The aviation industry represents an important market segment for WFL. This industrial sector increasingly requires ever more materials that are deemed to be difficult to machine. Titanium machining in particular is a field in which WFL shines with its wealth of expertise.
Material with Particular Properties
Titanium has always placed particular demands on tools and machines during the cutting process. In recent years titanium 3.7165 has become prevalent among lightweight materials as a material with outstanding properties, especially in the aviation and space industries and also in the medical sector. It is one of the most frequently used titanium alloys, containing 6% aluminium and 4% vanadium. This alloy, normally referred to as Ti6Al4V, exhibits a very good combination of strength, corrosion resistance and capacity to withstand stresses. Although this material does have good empirical values and cutting data, processing it still remains one of the supreme disciplines in machining.
The Titan of All Metals
New titanium alloys are constantly being developed for special applications and these are often on the basis of specific customer requirements. A number of WFL customers require Titanium 5553 (Ti5Al5V5Mo3Cr) for the production of landing gear in the aviation industry. This material stands out due to improved properties with regard to strength and toughness. It is also less sensitive to structural changes during heating. This material is indeed one of the real Titans in the field of machining and takes its name from Greek mythology.