

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2025-02-27

Helios Gear Products Announces Registration for 2025 Helios Gear Schools

Helios Gear Products is excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2025 Helios Gear Schools. These intensive courses are designed to provide both entry-level and experienced industry professionals with a comprehensive understanding of gear manufacturing.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2025-02-27

AGMA Foundation Scholarship Application Submission Period is Open

Open to students interested in a career in the gear industry, and/or power transmission as it relates to the gear industry.
Applicants must be enrolled or recently accepted as full- or part-time students in a nationally accredited program. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2025-02-27

Forest City Gear Hosts Vocational Intern from Hononegah High School

Forest City Gear is delighted to host a vocational intern, Jace Richart, from Hononegah High School. Richart, 19, is a student in Hononegah’s Vocational Internship Program (VIP). This program, supported by Special Education teacher and VIP Field Coordinator Justin Wieman, aims to prepare students with a range of disabilities including but not limited to intellectual disabilities, autism, or other health impairments for the workforce post high school. Vocational internships, like Richart’s at Forest City Gear, help Wieman’s students build the specific skills employers are looking for.


Getting into Gear

National STEM Day, celebrated on November 8th this year, provided a platform for Gear Technology to engage in a conversation with four remarkable women shaping the manufacturing industry: Ruthie Johnston, CEO and Owner of Croix Gear; Robin Olson, Senior Manager, Applications Engineering—Engineered Gear, Regal Rexnord; Michelle Maddox, Sales and Business Development Manager, B&R Machine and Gear Corp.; and Claudia Hambleton, Office Manager and Corporate Treasurer, German Machine Tools of America (GMTA). Each of these women, driven by a shared passion for fostering the next generation of female leaders, revealed their unique journeys and perspectives in this male-dominated field.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-09-08

Individuals in Engineering and Technology Recognized for STEM Achievements and Community Contributions

The Society of Women Engineers today announced the recipients of its annual awards program, a nod to those movers and shakers who are making significant contributions to the STEM community and the advancement of women in engineering. SWE award recipients include professionals, collegiates, and groups from influential businesses, corporations, and universities across the globe.

ADDENDUM | 2022-04-25

Light, Movement, Perspective, LEGO!

The Art of the Brick (AOTB) is a LEGO exhibition combining art, science and innovation to inspire visitors of all ages currently on display at the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) in Chicago.


The Move Toward Systematic Design

E-Mobility is changing the gear market at an incredibly rapid pace. Software is adapting to meet these new challenges.

Gear Noise Analysis: Design and Manufacturing Challenges Drive New Solutions for Noise Reduction

Gear noise is among the issues of greatest concern in today's modern gearboxes. Significant research has resulted in the application of enhancements in all phases of gear manufacturing, and the work is ongoing. With the introduction of Electric Vehicles (EV), research and development in this area has surged in recent years. Most importantly, powerful new noise analysis solutions are fast becoming available.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-06-01

Industry News

The complete industry news section from the June 2018 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-05-01

Industry News

The complete industry news section from the May 2018 issue of Gear Technology.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2018-01-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the January/February issue of Gear Technology.

Gear Expo 2017 and ASM Heat Treat 2017 Booth Previews

The latest technology on display in Columbus, OH. October 24-26.

2017 Gear Expo: Gears, Machinery and a Whole Lot More

There is so much more to Gear Expo than gears or the machinery that makes them. That's because it takes much, much more to make a finished gear than even the most sophisticated machine. And it is exhibitors who are part of the "much, much, more" that are addressed in this article.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-07-01

Industry News

AGMA adds two new committees, Star Cutter Celebrates 90 years, plus other news from around the industry.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2016-07-01

Product News

News about the Latest Products
PRODUCT NEWS | 2016-01-01

Product News

Latest news about the Latest Products

Getting the Right Tools

So there is little chance that they need the same software to assist with their work. Gone are the days when companies wrote their own code and process engineers thumbed the same tattered reference book.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2014-08-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the August 2014 issue of Gear Technology.
ADDENDUM | 2014-08-01

Sally Ride Science: Creativity, Collaboration and Fun

Sally Ride Science will be featured at IMTS 2014.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-07-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the July 2014 issue of Gear Technology.

Siemens Has Georgia Schools on its Mind

Siemens is helping the state of Georgia's STEM initiative by helping develop educational programs for the public schools.

Off-Highway Gears

Market needs push in 2013, but will it get one? The construction/off-highway industries have been here before. New equipment, technologies and innovations during an economic standstill that some have been dealing with since 2007.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2013-01-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the January/February 2013 issue of Gear Technology.

Stock Distribution Optimization in Fixed Setting Hypoid Pinions

Face-milled hypoid pinions produced by the three-cut, Fixed Setting system - where roughing is done on one machine and finishing for the concave-OB and convex-IB tooth flanks is done on separate machines with different setups - are still in widespread use today.

Austempered Gears and Shafts: Tough Solutions

Austempered irons and steels offer the design engineer alternatives to conventional material/process combinations. Depending on the material and the application, austempering may provide the producers of gear and shafts with the following benefits: ease of manufacturing, increased bending and/or contact fatigue strength, better wear resistance or enhanced dampening characteristics resulting in lower noise. Austempered materials have been used to improve the performance of gears and shafts in many applications in a wide range of industries.

ADI - A Designer Gear Material

If someone were to tell you that he had a gear material that was stronger per pound than aluminum, as wear-resistant as steel, easier to machine than free-machining steel and capable of producing gears domestically for 20% less than those now cut from foreign made forgings, would you consider that material to be "high tech"? Probably. Well, throw out all the pre-conceived notions that you may have had about "high tech" materials. The high-performance material they didn't teach you about in school is austempered ductile iron (ADI).
VOICES | 1990-11-01


Dear Editor: Your article on the ITC's Report to the President on the condition of the U.S. gear industry (Sept./Oct. issue) was most interesting. I am wondering if the total report neglected to mention that some of our inability to export gears is due to our reluctance to provide metric countries with the metric module-based gears that overseas customers demand.

Austempered Nodular Cast Irons

Austempering heat treatments (austenitizing followed by rapid cooling to the tempering temperature) have been applied to nodular irons on an experimental basis for a number of years, but commercial interest in the process has only recently come to the surface.

Austempered Ductile Iron: Technology Base Required for an Emerging Technology

This paper addresses Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) as an emerging Itechnology and defines its challenge by describing the state-of-the-art of incumbent materials. The writing is more philosophical in nature than technical and is presented to establish a perspective.