
April 30, 2010

Industry News

Toyoda Lends Machining Center to Blinn Technical College

Toyoda Machinery recently loaned an FV1365 vertical machining center to Blinn Technical College in Brenham, Texas. The machine will be used to train students learning CNC machining, programming, set up, and operations at the college's A.W. Hodde, Jr., Technical Education Center.

The A.W. Hodde, Jr., Technical Education Center is a new 12,000-square foot educational facility where 1,200-1,500 students will train annually on projects involving manufacturing, electrical, construction crafts, mechanical, leadership, management and healthcare.

Toyoda and its Texas distributor P. D. Browne South were informed of the Technical Education Center being built and granted a site tour. While on the tour, Toyoda President Howard Michael noticed the Center's lack of machinery. Michael offered to lend the school the FV1365 through the upcoming year.

Gerald Levesque, President of P.D. Browne South, says this type of action will help train students in machining and generate much-needed interest in the industry. Levesque attended the A.W. Hodde, Jr., Technical Education Center's Opening and Dedication event February 25, 2010, and spoke highly of the strong community effort that made the FV1365 loan possible.

"There's currently not a big pool of young people to draw from in the manufacturing industry," Levesque says. "It takes the strength of communities-local manufacturers, businesses, and schools-to join forces and bring a facility like Blinn to life and offer this specific type of training. This will give young men and women the exposure and skills they need to pursue a career in manufacturing."

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