Ultrasonic Tanks Aim to Clean-Up Industrial Manufacturing
Ultrasonic tanks by Omegasonics assist in the process of toxic parts cleaning in all industrial machining applications. According to the company’s press release, ultrasonic tanks can reduce the time and labor necessary to clean most industrial equipment.
Instead of personnel scrubbing and washing, users can place the parts directly in the tank. The ultrasonic tanks will clean through cracks and crevices typically missed using conventional equipment. They boast a filtration package as well as an accessible operator interface.
Omegasonic tanks have been utilized for military aircraft components, optical encoders and plastic injection molding. Bud Greener, manufacturing engineer at Eaton Aerospace recently implemented the tanks at Eaton’s Jackson, Michigan plant.
“Prior to the ultrasonic system, we cleaned tubes manually,” says Greener. “Now, we put them into the cleaning systems, adjust the settings and walk away to do something else while the parts are being cleaned.”
Ultrasonic tanks utilize environmentally friendly cleaning solutions, heat, water and ultrasonic sound waves for the cleaning process. The liquid can reach areas unable to be cleaned by human hands or other devices.