
March 5, 2014

Manufacturing Processes Grinding Industry News

United Grinding Invites Customers to Grinding Symposium

The United Grinding Group – Körber Schleifring up until EMO 2013 – has clearly understood the signs of the times in the third millennium. The long and extremely successful tradition of the companies in the Group guarantees robust engineering know-how and many new ideas about the challenges of the market.

The Group is therefore inviting its customers and interested members of the public to the third Grinding Symposium from May 21-23 2014 in Thun (Switzerland), where they can gain an insider's view of current and future developments in hard fine machining:

Intelligent processes for cost-effective production, which contribute to our customers' competitiveness and long-term success, will be presented, as well as individual production solutions, which fulfill the highest quality requirements as a matter of course and are unparalleled in the industry.

The latest technologies of the United Grinding company brands including innovative developments to increase productivity and quality and efficient applications will be demonstrated live in a total of 14 technology presentations. Leading experts will supplement the practical demonstrations with lectures on the latest research results and current developments.

CEO of the United Grinding Group, Stephan Nell, promises all participants "Many interesting experiences with this innovative and effective combination of science and practice", and adds encouragingly: "Network with experts and colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy our stimulating social program."

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