UTS Updates Integrated Gear Software Line
Universal Technical Systems released new upgrades to their integrated gear software product line.
A range analysis tool offers "what-if" analysis tables to help evaluate the different variables in engineering design. This facility is available in 80+ programs in IGS.
In addition, a new gear mesh animation animates the gear rotation through the length of active profile, making it easier to observe contact conditions and root clearances.
The new built-in DXF converter allows users to bring gear coordinates from IGS into a CAD system for 2-D and 3-D use. This is inaddtion to the export of suhc data in ASCII formator as a set of X, Y coordinates. When loaded into CAD, a polyline of the tooth profile is constructed with its center at coordinates 0, 0.
Finally, the Ticona M15HP high performance enginnering plastic material has been added to the software.