
January 6, 2020

Product News Industry News

Verisurf Releases Mobile App

Verisurf Software has released its new mobile Verisurf Companion App, designed to improve productivity of measurement, build, and inspection applications, especially when large parts or assemblies are involved. Verisurf continues to innovate the metrology work space by bringing the first real-time metrology Digital Readout (DRO) to Android and iOS devices, including the Apple watch.

“At Verisurf we have always been about creating practical measurement and inspection solutions; engaging and listening to our customers to help guide development. The mobile Verisurf Companion App is the latest example of this type of customer-based innovation,” said Ernie Husted, president and CEO of Verisurf Software, Inc.

The mobile Verisurf Companion App interfaces directly with Verisurf Software and virtually all measurement hardware devices to display real-time coordinate position, and 3D deviation from nominal geometry on any handheld Android or Apple device. The mobile Verisurf Companion App is FREE to Verisurf customers. Auto-Inspect functionality requires Verisurf 2019 Update 1. A Minimum of Verisurf 2017 is required.
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