
December 28, 2009

Product News Industry News

Versatile Reishauer Grinder Adapted for Larger Gears

The RZ 260 gear grinding machine from Reishauer is based on the successful RZ 150 series, but not only has size been increased, but all components have been adapted to handle higher loads and forces that occur when grinding larger gears. The machine is capable of grinding gears with an outside diameter of 260 mm and modules up to 4 mm.

One focus of Reishauer's in designing the RZ 260 was having the ability to achieve different production requirements for a range of customers. The machine can be fitted with one or two work spindles. The two-spindle version minimizes loading times. The single work spindle option is appropriate for when investment and tooling costs must be reduced and/or the workpiece handling times are less important.

Both version of the RZ 260 can be equipped with a fixed or CNC-controlled axis for swiveling the dressing tool. With this option, dressing tool flexibility can be increased, so they can be used for a range of gears, compared to a fixed dresser, where tools are typically workpiece specific.

Other Reishauer design characteristics incorporated in the RZ 260 include the Reishauer generating module for highest gear quality, low noise shifting technology for low gear noise emissions, twist control grinding technology to create defined values for flank twist and the Reishauer HMI for fast change-over and set-up times.

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