VOMAT Offers KFA 1500 System
The larger the batches in tool grinding, and the more grinding machines are involved in the process, it becomes more worthwhile to employ efficient, central filtration systems, or large filters for cleaning contaminated grinding oils or aqueous coolants. Just as those offered by filtration specialist, VOMAT, in Treuen, Germany.
VOMAT offers systems that can be individually adapted to customer-specific production needs. One example is the compact system, KFA 1500. The KFA 1500 is a highly efficient, low maintenance, ultra-fine filtration system for grinding carbide and HSS materials. With a filtration capacity of 1,500 liters/min (397 gal), the KFA 1500 keeps cleaned coolant in the system for extremely long periods, and in an energy-efficient manner; even with handling large tool batches.
The selection of the right filtration system is an important aspect for success in tool grinding. VOMAT (Vogtländische Maschinen- und Anlagentechnik) is a specialist in filtration technology for cooling lubricants in the metalworking industry. The product portfolio includes stand-alone, modular, and central systems. VOMAT also designs and builds one-off customer-specked units, with central and decentralized functions.
VOMAT’s ultra-fine filter systems are available in various sizes ranging from 70 liters/min (18.5 gal), to large filtration or central systems with 960 and 1,200 liters/min (254 and 318 gal) flow capacities. If filtration capacity requirements increase; for example, if clean oil is to be supplied to a host of grinding machines centrally, then the large, VOMAT ultra-fine filtration systems come in.
"Tool manufacturers or re-grinders can also order VOMAT filters, which can be scaled up in 1,200 liter/min (318 gal) increments. The large selection of modules, and additional optional features, allows for maximum flexibility," said Steffen Strobel, technical sales manager at VOMAT."Our KFA 1500 compact system is a fine example of how economical, ultra-fine filtration can work when grinding large batches. These systems can filter large amounts of dirty cooling lubricant, at constant temperatures. The extremely cleaned oil can remain in the system for a long, long time."