
July 28, 2020

Design Software Product News Industry News

Wenzel Offers Software Improvements

WM | Quartis R2020-2 offers a wide range of improvements for special applications and areas of use including  an integrated evaluation of surface texture parameters. Users can  measure the roughness of part surfaces with Renishaw REVO SFP roughness sensors. New algorithms calculate the surface characteristics in accordance with current standards. In addition to the roughness profile (R), the primary profile (P) and waviness (W) are also calculated.

WM | Quartis R2020-2 works with point clouds - the basis for optical measurement. Line scanners can be used for optical measurement. With it, point clouds with several 100 million points can now be captured. The point clouds are the basis for the extraction of geometric elements and thus an important basic function for optical measurement. With the line scanner WM | LS 150 a further laser triangulation sensor from Wenzel is additionally supported. 

Additionally, Wenzel is offering a  “WM | Quartis - Last Call” until September 30th, 2020 allowing customers to get the latest version of its measuring software WM | Quartis. Existing CM programs can be converted cost-effectivelly. Please note that Metrosoft CM is no longer supported since June 30th, 2017. Features include multi-function tool bar, contextual tabs, live preview, virtual programming and measuring, optimal measurement reports, multilanguage capabilities, conversion of existing CM programs, and economical roughness measurement with multi-sensor measuring machine. 

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