
December 13, 2011

Industry News

ZF Services Honors Employees in Special Ceremony

26 ZF Services employees at the Schweinfurt location as well as two employees from Bremen can look back on a total of 530 years of company employment. In a special ceremony, the board of management of ZF Services represented by Alois Ludwig und Thomas Henne honored the jubilees for their 40 and 25-year employment at the company. Alois Ludwig, chairman of the board of management of ZF Services, Thomas Henne, chief financial officer (CFO), and the Chairman of the Works Council, Armin Hehn, thanked the jubilees with a review of their successful career. Seven employees have already been part of the company for 40 years: Adelinde Zeißner (Waigolshausen), Renate Dantinger (Geldersheim), Edwin Körber (Werneck), Donato Leone (Schonungen), Armin Wagner (Grafenrheinfeld), Edwin Bühler (Sulzfeld), and Wolfgang Pritzl (Aidhausen) started their career in 1971, back then at Fichtel & Sachs.

The ZF Services board of management awarded 21 ZF Services employees for their 25-year employment at the company: Ira Brauburger, Ralf Leuschner, Dirk Jauchstetter, Eva Wiench, Martin Englert, Rainer Bühner, Bernd Schirmer (all Schweinfurt), Peter Haas (Niederwerrn), Roland Maar (Üchtelhausen), Peter Wirth (Poppenhausen), Michaela Werner (Schonungen), Anja Schneider (Röthlein), Hubert Klein (Wipfeld), Theo Reusch (Werneck), Günther Schmalzl (Waigolshausen), Alexandra Burger (Riedbach), Norbert Hampel (Königsberg i. B.), Peter Dörfl (Würzburg), Stefan Helling (Bergtheim) as well as Matthias Volker and Ralf Göbel, both from Bremen.

The ZF Services employees experienced many societal, but also company-specific changes during this time. Ludwig emphasized during the ceremony: "Our long-term employees ensure the continuity requested by the costumer especially in times of change. Thus, we are perceived as a traditional company with special expertise and comprehensive know-how in the market. It is our employees who ensure service quality and customer focus and thus, also the company's success."

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