
November 8, 2013

Product News Industry News

Zoller Offers Machining Cloud Application

Manufacturing-industry innovator Zoller has partnered with Machining Cloud GmbH on the new Machining Cloud Intelligent Manufacturing application, a ground-breaking platform that offers applications, resources, services and information from a centralized database.

Far more than a library of equipment, Machining Cloud is able to intelligently advise manufacturers regarding best practices specific to each unique manufacturing process. By enhancing part quality while increasing productivity, Machining Cloud is designed to make the job of manufacturing easier than ever before. With Machining Cloud, Zoller makes available to manufactures its array of tool management software.

“The Machining Cloud revolutionizes the manufacturing process with its efficiency and, with all of its products, Zoller contributes to more efficiency in the manufacturing process,” said Alexander Zoller, CEO. “We give great value to forward-thinking partnerships for innovative products that create real value to users, such as the Machining Cloud — which significantly improves the world of manufacturing.”

Like all cloud-based applications, Machining Cloud uses a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data. Whereas traditional computing entails storing, managing and processing data on local servers or personal computers, cloud computing offers vast amounts of readily accessible information, whenever and wherever it’s needed.

“We’re very excited to partner with Zoller on our joint effort to deliver a superior platform to the marketplace,” said Michael Taesch, Machining Cloud product manager. “With partners like Zoller aboard, Machining Cloud is able to deliver the best products and services in the industry in the easiest possible way.” Machining Cloud connects manufacturers to a vast wealth of manufacturing information within a single easy-to-use and intuitive platform. With Machining Cloud, manufacturers have access to numerous analytical tools to manage processes and optimize specific cutting applications, as well as the ability to easily order the components needed to make these solutions a reality. Users can view and download virtual machine tools, work-holding components, tooling assemblies and a wealth of other related pieces. Machining Cloud also eliminates the need to flip through paper catalogues and consult multiple websites to find and purchase the proper components for the job.

Because information provided by Machining Cloud can be directly connected to computer-aided-manufacturing, simulation and tool management software, Machining Cloud data is automatically imported and readily accessible for the generation of shop-floor documentation and properly-formatted tool lists. The simple Machining Cloud interface is easily adaptable to the needs of any shop. It supports Microsoft Windows 7 and 8, as well as Windows tablets, Android tablets and iPad.

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