AGMA Committee Works on Face Gear Draft
AGMA standard 203.03 - Fine Pitch On-Center Face Gears for 20 Degree Involute Spur Pinions has been withdrawn from the AGMA files although unknown to most readers, the document is still available for purchase. The AGMA Fine Pitch Gearing Committee is actively working on a draft for a new information sheet AGMA 916 - Face Gears with Perpendicular Intersecting Axis. The committee welcomes any input and participation from those who have an interest in this subject with or without specific experiences in face gears. Any type of experience that is brought to an AGMA technical committee is good experience because it reflects your own real life observations. The next scheduled meeting of the AGMA Fine Pitch Gearing Committee is scheduled for Feb 5-6, 2014 in Hartford, CT.