Open to students interested in a career in the gear industry, and/or power transmission as it relates to the gear industry.
Applicants must be enrolled or recently accepted as full- or part-time students in a nationally accredited program.
It was a busy year for the gear industry. Large and small companies had to navigate the interest rates, tariffs, supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and the unknown economic outlook with an election year in the U.S. Leaders that normally would be brainstorming their five-year strategic plans had to get comfortable with a day-to-day strategy. As each quarter ended, however, AGMA witnessed resiliency, innovation, collaboration, and even quite a bit of growth for some sectors—it was an exciting year to visit members in person.
Before diving into the latest committee developments, I want to remind everyone about the 2023 Emerging Technology Webinar Series, available on-demand until December 31. (Don’t miss this valuable resource before it’s removed to make room for our 2025 webinar series.)
If you are a true gear geek, you are probably aware of AGMA’s Fall Technical Meeting (FTM). However, we have true gear geeks attending the FTM for the first time each year, and we are thrilled to see that!
I just returned from two information-packed days in Detroit, running the 2024 AGMA Emerging Technology Forum and the AGMA Technical Committee meeting on standards development for electric vehicle technology. AGMA provided attendees with high-level presentations on materials, advanced IIoT experiences, interactive sessions on the future of robots, and initial standards work for EV technology.
AGMA wants you to be involved in gear standards development. Committee meetings are a great place to network and collaborate with experts in the field, broaden your knowledge, capture technical expertise in writing, refine the standards you use, and see how your influence helps shape best practices throughout America and around the world. We are especially looking for experts to join four new standardization projects.
In 2023, the Technical Division Executive Committee (TDEC) worked on a technical committee restructuring that replaced the standing, topic-specific committees with working groups, which would focus only on an active project and fold when the project was completed. Due to feedback received on the change, the TDEC took a step back and re-evaluated the restructuring. This led to a new committee-based structure that takes the good parts of project working groups and merges them with the good parts of technical committees. The committees are consolidated and include sub-working groups to perform the work on information sheets and standards.
My family company, Cadillac Machinery, was a used machinery dealer specializing gear machinery, especially bevel gear equipment, so we knew first-hand how unique and sometimes insular the gear industry was. As a member of AGMA, I often attended AGMA events, including the Fall Technical Meeting, where tremendous knowledge was presented, year after year, about the latest research, technology and manufacturing approaches for gears.
The inaugural issue of Gear Technology marked a significant change in the industry. I was 13 years into my career, working at my third company and in my fifth year on AGMA’s Helical Gear Rating Committee. Back then, few engineers moved around; you started at a gear company, were indoctrinated in their way of doing things, and hoped to advance by making very incremental changes to the “old family recipe.”
Gear Technology began with the May/June 1984 issue. Forty years later, we’re still going strong! Please join us in looking back at some of our milestones and celebrating what makes this publication truly unique in the marketplace.
AGMA is pleased to announce the publication of two new revisions: ANSI/AGMA 2116-B24, Evaluation of Double Flank Testers for Radial Composite Measurement of Gears, written by the AGMA Gear Accuracy Committee, and ANSI/AGMA 6008-B24, Specifications for Powder Metallurgy Gears written by the AGMA Powder Metallurgy Committee.
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) was presented with the Trade Show Executive’s Fastest 50 Grand Award in the “Fastest-Growing Show by Percentage Growth in Total Attendance in 2023” category on May 9 at the Fastest 50 Awards & Summit in Las Vegas.
OK, audience. I’m going to divide you into two groups. Everybody whose company is a member of AGMA, please move over to the left-hand side of the room, and everybody else, please move over to the right.
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) announces changes to its Board of Directors at the AGMA Members' Meeting during the Annual Meeting in Napa, CA. “AGMA would not be where it is today without the passion and diligence of its Board of Directors,” said Matthew E. Croson, President, AGMA. “I want to thank the outgoing Directors for their wisdom and guidance during the pandemic and for helping AGMA maneuver through the tough economic conditions that followed. I have full confidence in our new Directors as AGMA focuses on programs to improve the gear industry at home and forge new partnerships with like-minded associations and organizations abroad.”
The AGMA Foundation announces changes to its Board of Trustees at the AGMA Members' Meeting during the 2024 Annual Meeting in Napa, CA. “The Foundation continues to serve the gear industry by providing funding through their four pillars: education, workforce, scholarship, and emerging technology,” stated Executive Director, Mary Ellen Doran. “These new Trustees will help us make key decisions in how we can have a greater impact on the workforce over the next three years. I look forward to their contributions.”
Wenzel America and Fox Valley Metrology understand the importance of quality and excellence in the manufacturing industry. In this webinar, attendees will hear from the experts on the following subjects:
Advocacy in your career to promote growth and getting that “seat at the table.
Tips to be productive, quality-focused, and intentional at your job.
Important networking and mentoring suggestions that will enhance your industry relationships.
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) is proud to announce the hiring of Todd Praneis as Vice President, Technical Division. In addition, three AGMA employees—Courtney Caroll, Robin McWilliams, and Jess Oglesby—have been promoted.
You've been asking for a course that focuses on electric vehicles (EVs) and we're happy to oblige! Introducing the all-new EV Automotive Transmission System Design class. Due to demand, seats for this course are projected to fill quickly, so register ASAP to ensure you get a spot!
IPTEX 2024 (Pune, India) is an important event for all relevant stakeholders in automobile, aerospace, or energy as well as manufacturers, buyers, partners, and consultants. Focus industries include mechanical power transmission, electrical power transmission, linear motion drives, fluid power and IoT/smart technology. IPTEX will provide a consistent channel of communication to the members of this industry to come together under one roof and participate in technical seminars, share knowledge and expertise with industry leaders and to be a part of discussion on policy codes, standards and challenges faced by the industry.
This AGMA live online course examines individual failure modes and the failure scenarios that lead to actual system failure, an essential skill to designing gear/bearing systems that will operate properly for their full design life. In this course, AGMA will define and explain the nature of many gear and bearing failures and discuss and describe various actual failure scenarios. In addition, a detailed primer on bearing technology prefaces the failure scenario discussions. Attendees will gain a better understanding of various types of gears and bearings. Learn about the limitation and capabilities of rolling element bearings and the gears that they support. Grasp an understanding of how to properly apply the best gear-bearing combination to any gearbox from simple to complex.
The American Gear Manufacturers Association’s (AGMA) Motion + Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo) hosted 2,268 attendees and 163 exhibitors last week at the Huntington Place Convention Center in Detroit, Michigan. AGMA also hosted its annual Fall Technical Meeting (FTM) and was co-located with ASM International’s Heat Treat and IMAT conference. Together, the events attracted 4,482 attendees.
AGMA’s standards development process has been reorganized from a committee-based structure to a project-based format. This change means that AGMA will no longer have standing, topic-specific committees. Instead, project working groups will be formed to develop and deliver project-specific objectives. The group will be dissolved at the end of the project. The change will enable the AGMA’s Technical Division Executive Committee (TDEC) to pivot its resources in a timely manner to meet and address the ever-changing needs and challenges of the gearing industry.
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) Technical Division Executive Committee, TDEC, announces a minor restructuring of AGMA technical committees to better serve the industry. The new structure will replace existing topic-specific committees with project-specific working groups that will be formed to develop the deliverable of each project.
There are countless amazing stories that emerge from the manufacturing world—and Manufacturing Talks, hosted by Jim Vinoski, helps draw those stories into the light of day. As Jim states, "Manufacturing is where the rubber meets the road. There's no hiding. You're either making good products people will buy for enough to keep you in business, or you're not. Period." Nowhere is that more evident than in the gear industry. Check out Episode 51 with Matt Croson, President of the American Gear Manufacturers Association, sharing all about what the AGMA does.
From 2020 to 2022 I had the honor of serving as the AGMA Chair. As I close the two-year service commitment, I have been asked by several people: What has AGMA accomplished recently, and where is the 107-year-old trade association heading? This question is easy and difficult to answer all at the same time.
State of the Gear Industry Perspectives takes an in-depth look at the challenges and opportunities in gear manufacturing today and in the future. Our seventh installment online is an interview with Kika Young, president, and Jared Lyford, director of manufacturing operations at Forest City Gear (FCG).
Thanks to our many hardworking volunteer committee members, 2022 was a productive year for the AGMA Technical Division with the publication of two new and three revised information sheets. Looking ahead to 2023, many AGMA technical committees plan to meet face to face for the first time since 2019, and they will continue work on ten projects.
A good understanding of individual failure modes and the failure scenarios that led to the actual system failure is an essential skill to designing gear/bearing systems that will operate properly for their full design life. In this course, we will define and explain the nature of many gear and bearing failures and we will also discuss and describe various actual failure scenarios. In addition, a detailed primer on bearing technology prefaces the failure scenario discussions. You will gain a better understanding of various types of gears and bearings. Learn about the limitation and capabilities of rolling element bearings and the gears that they support. Grasp an understanding of how to properly apply the best gear-bearing combination to any gearbox from simple to complex.
While function and rating are important factors in a successful gear design, to be truly optimal and successful, the gear designer must also design the gears to be manufactured and inspected. In this course, therefore, we will address key factors in a wide variety of manufacturing and inspection processes to enable the gear designer to better design optimal gears considering both rating and the necessary manufacturing and inspection processes to produce the gears as designed. We will also help the designer to understand how to interpret inspection data so that they can ensure that the gears meet the design. To be clear, this is not a course in how to operate the various machines. Rather it addresses the design provisions that are required to allow the gears to be optimally manufactured and inspected. The learner will develop a broad understanding of the methods used to manufacture and inspect gears, as well as interpret how the resultant information can be applied and interpreted in the design process.
This course will address both geometry and rating of involute splines of various types. The types of spline joints and their applications will be discussed. Spline configuration variations, including half depth, full depth, and special function designs, will be addressed. Both fixed and flexible spline configurations will be examined in terms of usage and design. Lubrication methods, including grease, oil bath, and flowing oil, as well as coatings appropriate for various spline applications, are examined. Shear and compressive stress rating methods are discussed with analyses methodology presented in both equation and graphical methodology via various rating charts.
Explore gear grinding processes, machine kinematics and set-up, pitfalls, failures and expectations related to finish ground gearing. Learn definitions of gearing component features, process steps from blanking, through heat treatment to finished part ready to ship. Study aspects of Quality Assurance, Inspection Documentation and corrective actions for measured non-conformances. Understand pre-heat treat, heat treatment and post-heat treatment operations including the hows and whys to produce finished gears that conform and perform to end user expectations.
A brief history of AGMA's Fall Technical Meeting, along with a discussion of why this year's meeting (Oct 17-19 in Chicago) is as relevant as ever.
Learn and understand fundamentals of gear manufacturing. Acquire knowledge and understanding of gear nomenclature, hobbing and shaping of spur and helical gears, and splines. Learn and understand hobber and shaper machine set-up, as well as gear tooth element inspection.
Learn what is required for the design of an optimum gear set and the importance of the coordinated effort of the gear design engineer, the gear metallurgist, and the bearing system engineer. Investigate gear-related problems, failures and improved processing procedures. Class hours are from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
The objective of this paper is to improve the methodology for determining the tooth flank temperature. Two methods are proposed for assessing scuffing risk when applying AGMA 925 for high-speed gears. Both methods provide similar results.
After more than two years of COVID isolation, it feels good to be getting out of our bunkers and interacting with people again. Last month, I had the great pleasure of attending the AGMA Annual Meeting, where executives from member companies got together in person for the first time since 2019. The 2020 meeting was canceled at the last minute due to COVID. Last year’s meeting was held virtually, with an electronic meeting room and videoconference presentations. But this year felt like a return to normal.
This course provides the heat treat operator and operations team, the means to perform the heat treatment of steel gears in a manner that meets the AGMA and customer requirements in a safe and efficient manner.
This course will provide a solid foundation for anyone going into gear inspection. Learn the common, current and basics of the tools and techniques used to measure and inspect gears. Understand the four main categories by which a gear is evaluated and classified.
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) announced the changing of its board of directors at the 2022 AGMA Annual Meeting held March 31 through April 2 in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
It’s 2022! AGMA’s 106th year. Numbers are interesting things; here are a few pertinent ones for AGMA.
There has been renewed discussion of the “Buy American” mandates recently. AGMA has a long history on this topic and succe...
One of the pleasures of being Gear Technology’s official blogger is receiving the occasional phone call or e-mail...
If you receive the AGMA e-mails you already know that the annual call for...