
April 10, 2020

The Gear Industry AGMA AGMA Foundation Industry News

Industry Employees Receive Preference for AGMA Foundation Scholarship Awards

The Covid-19 crisis will not stop the 2020 AGMA Foundation scholarship awards. The Foundation will award scholarships of up to $2,500 to students at the Technical/Associate level, and $5,000 annual scholarships to Undergraduate and Graduate students. Please make sure your employees — full time, part time and seasonal — are aware of this opportunity, as applicants with gear industry experience receive scholarship preference. 

Please note: students will not be penalized for Pass/Fail grades in the 2020 spring semester. 2020 scholarship applications are due in the Foundation office by July 1, 2020. Over the past 12 years, the Foundation has awarded $272,000 in scholarships to 40 outstanding students. Eighty-six percent of graduated scholarship recipients are employed in the gear industry.
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