
January 1, 2017

Design NVH Pressure Angle Profile Profile Shift Temperature Twist Inspection Testing Heat Treating Carburizing Distortion Furnaces Low Pressure Carburizing Vacuum Carburizing Materials Metallurgy The Gear Industry AGMA Education & Training Skilled Labor History Management Supply Chain Surveys State of the Gear Industry Sectors Automotive Industrial Emerging Technologies Automation Robotics Technical Big Gears

Repair of Large, Surface-Degraded Industrial Gears - a New Approach

This paper presents a new approach to repair industrial gears by showing a case study where pressure angle modification is also considered, differently from the past repairing procedures that dealt only with the modification of the profile shift coefficient. A computer program has been developed to automatically determine the repair alternatives under two goals: minimize the stock removal or maximize gear tooth strength.
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This article appeared in the January/February 2017 issue.

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