

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-11-20

Solar Atmospheres South Carolina Facility Orders 10-Bar Vacuum Furnace

Solar Atmospheres is pleased to announce the order of a new 10-bar vacuum furnace for our Greenville, SC facility.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-03-23

Solar Atmospheres of California Installs Large Car Bottom Air Furnace

Solar Atmospheres of California (SCA) successfully installed a brand new 14-foot-long car bottom Air Furnace with a total load capacity of up to 30,000 pounds. The furnace was surveyed in accordance with AMS2750 and is uniform within ±10°F (Class 2). The furnace has a working zone that is 60-inches square by 168 inches long and handles a workload up to 30,000 pounds. With a maximum operating temperature of 1450°F, this furnace accommodates not only the tempering of large tool steel components but also age hardening of 15-5 PH, 17-4 PH, 13-8PH and nickel-based alloys, and the annealing of Titanium Forgings.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-01-09

Solar Atmospheres of Michigan’s Future Home

Solar Atmospheres of Michigan, formerly Vac-Met, has recently purchased 18,000 square feet of plant space on four plus acres in Chesterfield Michigan. The new building is 20 miles Northeast of the two existing Vac-Met facilities which are currently located in Warren and Fraser Michigan. 

VIDEO | 2022-12-15

Maintaining a Furnace's Heat Exchanger with Ipsen

If you are experiencing reduced cooling, increased cycle times and/or dirty, contaminated parts then your vacuum furnace's heat exchanger might be the cause.  Over the course of time and production, materials will deposit on the fins of the heat exchanger, which can result in a number of issues. In this video, we examine what a heat exchanger is supposed to look like vs. what it looks like after it has collected layers of contaminants. We also discuss how often the heat exchanger, and its cooling coils should be inspected so as to ensure optimum performance and part quality.

PRODUCT NEWS | 2022-05-24

Ipsen USA Provides Vacuum Furnace to Italian Commercial Heat Treater

Ipsen recently installed the second Turbo2Treater vacuum furnace at Temprasud, a commercial heat treater in Fresagrandinaria, Italy. 

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-04-26

Solar Atmospheres Retains SHARP Accreditation

Solar Atmospheres of Western PA (SAWPA) was recently awarded three years merit status for SHARP Accreditation. The Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) is designed to recognize employees and employers for their effort in establishing and maintaining all elements of an effective safety and health program.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2021-11-01

Lucifer Furnaces Offers Pot Furnaces for Aerospace Applications

Lucifer Furnaces, Warrington PA, has designed a multi-unit modular Pot Furnace system for a major aerospace manufacturer in the US. The e...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-11-04

Lucifer Furnaces Builds Top Loading Furnace for Medical Manufacturer

Lucifer Furnaces recently supplied a Top Loading Furnace to a leading tooling manufacturer. Model TL7-481818 has a chamber size of 48&rdq...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2020-11-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the November/December 2020 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-08-01

Industry News

The latest news from GKN, Milan Manufacturing, Solar Atmospheres, Heidenhain, Furnaces North America, Gleason, Haas Multigrind, Schunk and Michigan Metrology
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-07-08

Furnaces North America 2020 Goes Virtual

Due to COVID-19, FNA 2020 has transitioned into a virtual conference and trade show.  This development provides a great opportunity ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-06-23

Seco/Warwick Delivers Two Vector Vacuum Furnaces for Aerospace Application

Seco/Warwick Group has sold 2 vacuum furnaces for an aerospace application to one client in two locations: the USA and Singapore. The Gro...
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2019-09-01

Get Answers LIVE and in Person

You have challenges. We all do. If your challenges are related to any aspect of gear design, manufacturing, inspection, heat treating or use, the solutions can be found at Motion + Power Technology Expo, which takes place October 15–17 in Detroit.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-07-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the July 2019 issue of Gear Technology.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-05-20

Bill Gornicki Appointed CEO of Machine Tool Builders and Diablo Furnaces

Machine Tool Builders has announced the appointment of Bill Gornicki as chief executive officer (CEO) of both Machine Tool Builders (MTB)...

FNA 2018

Furnaces North America Exhibition Highlights Future of Heat Treating.

Minimal Worm Expertise

Worm gearing has long been a big part of the mechanical world. If you work in the gear trade, “civilians” will rightly expect you to know things ab...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-03-08

Seco/Warwick 15 Bar Vacuum Furnaces Provide Superior Gas Quenching Capabilities

Voestalpine High Performance Metals (formerly Böhler-Uddeholm AG), already using Seco/Warwick equipment, is now expanding its proces...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-12-27

Diablo Furnaces Appoints Sue Harrod as COO

Sue Harrod has been appointed to COO of Diablo Furnaces LLC. Harrod has worked within the thermal processing industry for 25 years in sup...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-11-22

Seco/Warwick Nitriding System and Tempering Furnaces Sold to Global Steel and Specialty Alloy Manufacturer

A global manufacturer of steel and specialty alloys has purchased a Seco/Warwick nitriding system with vacuum purge and two tempering uni...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-08-01

Industry News

Results from the 2017 Powder Metallurgy Design Excellence Awards, plus other news from around the industry.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-06-27

Machine Tool Builders Launches Diablo Furnaces Heat Treating Company

Machine Tools Builders has launched a spinoff company to build a new line of heat treating furnaces to better service their customers. Th...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2017-05-01

Product News

The latest from Liebherr, Gleason, Klingelnberg and more.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-04-21

J.L. Becker IQ Furnace Line Includes Three Furnaces, Washer and More

J.L. Becker, a Gasbarre Furnace Group Company, recently manufactured, shipped and commissioned a complete IQ Furnace line at the East Car...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-04-05

Lucifer Furnaces Model 42GT-H12 Oven Installed at R. Hueter

R. Hueter Co, a northeast CNC machine shop specializing in male and female RF connector contact production has added a Lucifer Furnaces&#...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-04-04

Seco/Warwick Continuous Control Solution Provides Full Temperature Control in Multi-Chamber Furnaces

The Seco/Warwick engineering team has designed a new form of continuous control over the heating and cooling of the entire cycl...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-03-09

Ipsen CompuCore Offers Competitive Option for Controls Retrofits for Vacuum Furnaces

Ipsen is introducing a new, competitively priced option for controls retrofits in the form of CompuCore. Available for installation on mo...

Heat Treating 4.0

Suppliers are working hard to make sure their heat treating equipment is controllable, repeatable and efficient, and manufacturers continue to incorporate technology that gives heat treaters and their customers more information about what's going on inside the magic box.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-03-01

Industry News

Educational initiatives, company news, acquisitions and people in the industry are all featured this issue.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-01-13

SVT Provides Vacuum Furnaces in North America

Seco/Warwick recently announced the creation of Seco/Vacuum Technologies LLC (SVT), a new company designed to provide standard and custom...

Repair of Large, Surface-Degraded Industrial Gears - a New Approach

This paper presents a new approach to repair industrial gears by showing a case study where pressure angle modification is also considered, differently from the past repairing procedures that dealt only with the modification of the profile shift coefficient. A computer program has been developed to automatically determine the repair alternatives under two goals: minimize the stock removal or maximize gear tooth strength.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2016-07-22

Lucifer Furnaces Launches Bench Style Box Design

Lucifer Furnaces recently delivered a bench style box furnace for batch heat treating small loads of low carbon steel. Model RD7-KHE24, w...

Applying Business Metaphors to Sports

We suffer through lots of sports clichés in business articles and motivational speeches. What if the reverse were done to sports teams? I am a big ...

More Adventures in Modifying Machines

[starbox] In my last posting I wrote about some of the projects I have been involved with to squeeze a bigger part in an existing machine. Most ...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-02-18

Ipsen Ships a Variety of Furnaces

Over the last two months, Ipsen has shipped 14 vacuum furnaces. Shipments left Illinois to serve customers in three other countries &mdas...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2013-01-28

Ipsen Projects Healthy Sales of Continuous Heat Treatment Furnaces

As new approaches to energy-efficient furnace operation are met with heightened interest by a diverse customer base, Ipsen has reported h...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2012-11-16

Ipsen Ships MetalMaster Furnaces

Two MetalMaster furnaces were shipped to U.S. customers – a commercial heat treater and a heat exchanger manufacturer. Both furnace...
EVENTS | 2009-05-01


Advance coverage of India's Gears, Motors & Controls Expo 2009, plus our regular calendar of events.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 1992-01-01

The Right and Wrong of Modern Hob Sharpening

Precision gears play a vital role in today's economy. Through their application, automobile transmissions are more compact and efficient, ships sail faster, and diesel locomotives haul more freight. Today great emphasis is being placed upon the reduction of noise in all gear applications and, to be quiet, gears must be accurate.

CNC Controlled CBN Form Grinding

Borazon is a superabrasive material originally developed by General Electric in 1969. It is a high performance material for machining of high alloy ferrous and super alloy materials. Borazon CBN - Cubic Born Nitride - is manufactured with a high temperature, high pressure process similar to that utilized with man-made diamond. Borazon is, next to diamond, the hardest abrasive known; it is more than twice as hard as aluminum oxide. It has an extremely high thermal strength compared to diamond. It is also much less chemically reactive with iron, cobalt or nickel alloys.