Industry News

March 23, 2023

Heat Treating Furnaces Vacuum Carburizing Industry News

Solar Atmospheres of California Installs Large Car Bottom Air Furnace

Solar Atmospheres of California (SCA) successfully installed a brand new 14-foot-long car bottom Air Furnace with a total load capacity of up to 30,000 pounds. The furnace was surveyed in accordance with AMS2750 and is uniform within ±10°F (Class 2). The furnace has a working zone that is 60-inches square by 168 inches long and handles a workload up to 30,000 pounds. With a maximum operating temperature of 1450°F, this furnace accommodates not only the tempering of large tool steel components but also age hardening of 15-5 PH, 17-4 PH, 13-8PH and nickel-based alloys, and the annealing of Titanium Forgings.

Solar is typically known around the world as a “vacuum only” heat treater. However, there is a great need for heat treating nonfinished parts and materials in accordance with the same specifications (AMS, MIL, Boeing and Airbus) within different atmospheres where surface oxidation is permissible. This new 14-foot Air Furnace allows the “raw material customer” an option while being more price competitive than with a vacuum environment. This new investment will only complement the vast array of vacuum furnaces that Solar operates every day.

Derek Dennis, President of Solar Atmospheres of California states, “Solar Atmospheres of California is excited to be adding this new furnace and the added capability/capacity. SCA’s customers have requested this additional capability and it’s our responsibility to meet their needs in supporting the valuable partnerships that we share.”  

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