
February 18, 2014

Heat Treating Furnaces Product News Industry News

Ipsen Ships a Variety of Furnaces

Over the last two months, Ipsen has shipped 14 vacuum furnaces. Shipments left Illinois to serve customers in three other countries — Taiwan, Mexico and Hungary — as well as eight states in the U.S. Among the 14 vacuum furnace systems shipped in the past weeks were several MetalMaster furnaces, both horizontal and vertical; Titan T tempering furnaces; a Vertical Aluminum Brazer; a TurboTreater; and several other Titan furnaces. The recipients of these furnaces are as varied as the countries in which they are located: an aerospace company; commercial heat treating companies; a medical device manufacturer; a turbo machinery computer aided manufacturer, an aeronautical and industrial engine manufacturer; a global provider of 3-D printing machines and printed products; and a leading firearm manufacturer.

To serve customers in such varied industries, Ipsen expertly designs and manufactures furnaces to handle varied processes such as debinding and sintering; tempering; vacuum carburizing; brazing and nitriding. These innovative thermal processing solutions are capable of meeting CQI-9, Nadcap and AMS 2750E and other applicable industry requirements. Ipsen also provides automation controls, operator and maintenance training, global engineering, responsive field support and spare parts to keep your equipment running at peak performance.

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