Bill Gornicki Appointed CEO of Machine Tool Builders and Diablo Furnaces
Machine Tool Builders has announced the appointment of Bill Gornicki as chief executive officer (CEO) of both Machine Tool Builders (MTB) and Diablo Furnaces based in Machesney Park, Illinois. With 29 years’ experience in the thermal processing industry, Gornicki, brings a fresh perspective with proven results to leverage the dynamic and diversified companies’ offerings of heat-treating furnaces and gear machinery forward to achieve new sales levels. Sustained improvement and long-term growth will be cultivated by Gornicki being intimately focused in operational excellence, expansion of product breadth and capabilities in existing and new markets. Please welcome and congratulate Gornicki in this new role.
Machine Tool Builders is a remanufacturer, recontroller and custom-manufacturer of gear shaping, hobbing and grinding machines. MTB also is the North American sales and service representative for Burri GmbH of Germany and Donner+Pfister AG of Switzerland. Burri GmbH manufacturers generative grinders and wheel profiling machines, and Donner+Pfister AG manufacturers and remanufacturers gear and Maag gear grinding machines.
Diablo Furnaces is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of IQF (Internal Quench) Furnaces, Tempers, Box, Belt, Continuous, Car Bottom, Rotary, Pit, Washers, and other custom heat-treating equipment required for captive and commercial heat treaters.