AGMA Releases Publication on Cylindrical Involute Gearing
The AGMA Technical Division recently announced the release of ANSI/AGMA 2002-D19, Tooth Thickness and Backlash Measurement of Cylindrical Involute Gearing. This standard establishes the procedures for determining the specification limits for tooth thickness of external and internal cylindrical involute gearing. It includes equations and calculation procedures for the commonly used measuring methods. A specific tooth thickness specification limit can be established from the design thickness or from another tooth thickness measurement. The procedures can be used with an established design tooth thickness, or with actual tooth thickness dimensions. The effect of tooth geometric quality variations on tooth thickness dimensions is discussed. Calculations for backlash are included, and are based on the specified tooth thickness, center distance, and tolerances.
The first draft of ANSI/AGMA 2002-D19 was created in September 2018. It was approved by the membership on May 17, 2019 and as an American National Standard on December 9, 2019. The document is 145 pages and priced for AGMA members at $85 (after February 29, 2020) and priced for nonmembers at $170.