Industry News

October 26, 2023

The Gear Industry AGMA AGMA Fall Technical Meeting (FTM) MPT Expo Industry News

2023 Motion + Power Technology Expo Welcomes the Power Transmission Industry Back to Detroit

The American Gear Manufacturers Association’s (AGMA) Motion + Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo) hosted 2,268 attendees and 163 exhibitors last week at the Huntington Place Convention Center in Detroit, Michigan. AGMA also hosted its annual Fall Technical Meeting (FTM) and was co-located with ASM International’s Heat Treat and IMAT conference. Together, the events attracted 4,482 attendees. 

Professionals from all sectors of the power transmission industry came to the show, including executives, engineers, plant managers, purchasers, buyers, salespeople, and military members. There were 336 exhibiting companies all together with more than 25 countries represented. The tradeshow was last hosted in Detroit, MI in 2019. 

“MPT Expo was truly where the gears were and we were pleased with the attendance and all the events that were part of this great show,” said Matthew E. Croson, President, AGMA. “Detroit is a great town for MPT Expo and drew the quality of attendee for which we are known.” 

Attendees and exhibitors were able to participate in numerous networking events including the AGMA-hosted EV Town Hall, the MPT Expo Podcast Studio (hosted by three different radio shows), and seven education courses held throughout the week. There were more than 30 technical presentations given by subject matter experts from all around the world. 

“I always tell people that no one comes to this show by mistake,” said Steve Janke, Chair of AGMA’s Show Committee and President of Brelie Gear. “Anyone who wants to see the latest in gearing and meet with suppliers for the power transmission industry comes to this show. We had attendees from General Motors, Ford, John Deere, and Caterpillar, all the way to defense contractors and aerospace leaders – the buyers showed up with real questions and received real solutions.” 

The next MPT Expo will be held October 21-23, 2025, in Detroit, MI.  For more information regarding MPT Expo, visit motionpowerexpo.com or reach out to lewis@agma.org.  

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