AGMA Announces Technical Committee Restructuring
The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) Technical Division Executive Committee, TDEC, announces a minor restructuring of AGMA technical committees to better serve the industry. The new structure will replace existing topic-specific committees with project-specific working groups that will be formed to develop the deliverable of each project. This provides the TDEC with the flexibility to pivot resources quickly, enabling AGMA to provide technical assistance to the industry as challenging issues arise. This is in contrast to the current system where the TDEC evaluation of possible new projects is limited to the pre-determined, subject-specific committees.
“Switching from a 'subject-based' committee structure to one that is 'project-based' improves the overall flexibility and adaptability of the AGMA Technical Division,” said Amir Aboutaleb, Vice President, Technical Division, AGMA. “This decision was reached after much deliberation, and it is one we understand our Members may have questions about. And that is why we highly encourage everyone to plan to attend the upcoming webinar."
The webinar discussing the changes will be held on Thursday, September 21, from 10:00am to 12:00pm ET. It will give committee volunteers necessary information on the reorganization, ending on a Q&A session with AGMA staff and TDEC members. An invitation will be sent out via email with the registration link to committee volunteers at a later date.
If you have any immediate questions, please contact