Industry News

May 10, 2024

The Gear Industry AGMA MPT Expo Industry News

AGMA Wins First Place in Trade Show Award for MPT Expo

The American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) was presented with the Trade Show Executive’s Fastest 50 Grand Award in the “Fastest-Growing Show by Percentage Growth in Total Attendance in 2023” category on May 9 at the Fastest 50 Awards & Summit in Las Vegas.

The award was given for the AGMA’s 2023 Motion + Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo), which was one of only 23 shows ranked in three of Trade Show Executive’s award categories:

•    Ranked #1 by total attendance.

•    Ranked #18 by the number of exhibitors.

•    Ranked #33 by net square feet.

AGMA’s Jenny Blackford, Chief Operating Officer, and Leah Lewis, Director, Meetings & Events, accepted the award on behalf of AGMA.

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This article appeared in the June 2024 issue.


 “Many wonderful people at AGMA, staff and members, worked tirelessly to make the 2023 MPT Expo a success. It’s fulfilling to have that dedication recognized by Trade Show Executive’s Fastest 50,” said Leah Lewis, Director, Meetings & Events, AGMA. “The growth of MPT Expo highlights how the gear industry and wider power transmission industry thrive on in-person connections, and we’re proud that MPT Expo is the place where the industry comes to do business.”

 MPT Expo, formerly Gear Expo, was one of the only trade shows that happened in 2021 in the United States. The award recognizes the growth between then and the 2023 show.

 “We are very proud to be a show that kept its doors open in 2021 and I think that made all the difference for MPT Expo last year,” continued Jenny Blackford, COO, AGMA. “Our membership and the gear industry never stopped working during the pandemic and this award reflects the resiliency they demonstrate – we are happy to be the association that supports them.”

The 2025 MPT Expo will return to Detroit, MI, on October 21-23, 2025.
